One platform for rapid and sharp end-to-end insights
Connect the dots with our Insights Studio in real-time
The sky’s the limit with Flex83’s intelligence & analytics. Flex83 provides the tools and workflows needed to run machine learning and artificial intelligence experiments and integrate the results into your applications. You can also integrate with well-known cloud gateways such as Amazon IoT Core and Azure IoT Hub.
Key Capabilities
Convert real-time IoT data into significant business value
Video Analysis
Analyze video automatically to detect and determine events and gain useful insights.
Face Recognition
Get smart and identify or verify people in photos and real-time streaming.
Object Detection
Detects object instances in digital images and video streaming.
Trends & Forecast
Discover trends in your data and use the information to optimize your system.
Sentiment Analysis
Analyze audio sentiments and generate actionable insights from user or customer emotions.
Model Deployment
Bring any machine learning model and deploy it in your Flex83 Application Enablement Platform (AEP) solution.
Custom ML
Create your use-case-specific model, complete with control parameters.
Auto ML
To streamline & simplify building accurate machine learning models.
Use Cases
Swift development of flexible and creative IoT solutions
The “IoT Killer Applications” for improving business results are built around work simplification, operations and service optimization, and asset fault detection, prevention, and avoidance.
Advance your existing enterprise solutions
In addition to offering the best-in-class solution for developing applications, IoT83 offers a perfect framework for integrating new southbound data flows, seamlessly integrating new or legacy “Northbound” applications, expanding enterprise data processing, and adding new data analytics intelligence.
Increase the coherence of your enterprise data
Use the secure IoT83 Data Connectors, Secure API Gateway features, data transformation tools, and support for multiple databases to connect all of your enterprise “Southbound” data flow to your diverse “Northbound” applications. With Flex83, what was once very difficult is now much simpler, scalable, and reliable.