Smart City & Lighting Solutions

A layered architectural approach to unravelling the complexity of the smart city and lighting solutions


Affordable and sustainable smart city and lighting solutions

The idea of smart cities is crucial to the development of any country. The IoT83 platform can offer low-cost, long-lasting solutions, as well as entrepreneurial and social value to the planning of these modern smart cities or “digital cities.” You will be able to optimize energy consumption in smart homes, offices, and smart cities alike with the use of these cutting-edge technologies. A few features that would experience this change include parking, buildings, street billboards, and street lighting.

How Do We Do That?

Optimizing the core facility and enabling automatic control

Implementing innovative, value-generating use cases

Once our IoT83 technology is integrated into your system, you can automate the water supply, the drainage system, and the lighting of homes, offices, and streets. You can also set indoor lighting intensity to match the mood, set outdoor lighting intensity to match high or low passage areas, and set outdoor lighting to turn off when there is no traffic. Similar to how the workforce, vehicles, and public transportation can all join the cloud and be regularly maintained, updated, and monitored. All of this is done while maintaining a secure connection between the cloud and the user.


Framework for smart building integration

Integration With LoRa RF

Maintain bilateral connectivity with sensors, gateways, machines, devices, and people using the LoRa RF Network. LoRa RF Network allows for power-efficient data transmission over a long distance, which reduces costs. The use of international unlicensed bands creates a global connection between smart lighting and the users, no matter where they are in the world. A single gateway can support thousands of end devices thanks to LoRa’s support for millions of messages per station, which makes your network scalable and allows multiple users to control view, and manage their luminary setup.

Over-the-air Edge Device Updates & MGT

OTA technology makes managing and updating devices simpler and more secure than ever. It is possible to update, control, and manage a device in the same application even when it is turned off from the users’ perspective, including those in nested configurations. This is true for everything from tiny sensor devices to gateway-level modules. Utilizing OTA technology allows for network flexibility and keeps you in control of every update, boosting output and operational effectiveness.

Algorithm Implementations for LUX Controls

The application of appropriate algorithms will increase functionality and enhance user comfort across all available lighting management techniques. Our lives depend heavily on lighting because it determines how comfortable a space is to be in. Lighting contributes to our safety and wellbeing whether we are at the home, at work, or on the streets. You can design aesthetically pleasing luminaries and maintain control over the safety and security of the city’s residents with the aid of our IoT83 lighting solutions.

Predictive Maintenance & Anomaly Detection

Our IoT83 consistently anticipates failures and forecasts them. Using anomaly detection and predictive maintenance, repairs can be made before the asset fails. Your most important resource and ally for smart city lighting solutions will be maintenance, adjustments, and corrective actions.

Use Cases

Seak Smart City & Smart Lighting control

Smart Building Solution: Strengthen your facility’s safety and security with enhanced sensing

Monitor air quality, comfort, personal density, and resource usage

Monitor, locate, and optimize valuable assets on your campus

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